港湾号 Haven
制作人/Filmmaker:Guillaume Néry
25年后,四届世界自由潜水冠军Guillaume Néry在极差的能见度和强水流的情况下潜入50米深的水下去探访“港湾”号最后的安息地。长达335米的“港湾”号像是个沉没在水下的城市。现在作为人工礁的“港湾”号是整个欧洲最大的水下沉船,也是自由潜水者们尽情展现探险美学的宝地。
On April 11, 1991, during a routine oil-transfer procedure, crude oil carrier Haven exploded in the Mediterranean Sea and erupted into a three-day-long fire. The explosion broke the ship’s back, and it sank off the coast of Genoa, Italy – killing six crew members and flooding the area with up to 50,000 tonnes of crude oil.
Twenty-five years later, four-time world freediving champion Guillaume Néry battles extreme depths, poor visibility and dangerous currents to dive as deep as 50 metres to the Haven’s final resting place. “I saw the Haven like a sunken city,” he says. “Like a lost city of Atlantis.” At 335 metres in length, the Haven is the largest wreck in all of Europe, an artificial reef, and a treasure to those artists of underwater exploration, aesthetics and performance: the freedivers.
Whale Chasers
国家/Country:新西兰/New Zealand
制作人/Filmmaker:Tess Brosnan
类别/Category:海洋文化,海洋生物/Ocean culture, marine life
Sitting high on a rugged hilltop looking out over New Zealand’s Cook Strait, an unusual team of senior ‘citizen scientists’ keeps watch for migrating humpback whales. They’re spotting for the Cook Strait Whale Count – a study into the recovery of New Zealand’s humpback population since the end of New Zealand whaling in 1964. These volunteers are uniquely skilled in watching whales: Not only are they descendant of New Zealand’s 200-year history of whaling, they were all once whalers themselves.
Sea Gypsies
制作人/Filmmaker:Nicholas Edwards
类别/Category:航海,冒险/Sailing, Adventure
The vessel is the Infinity: a 120-foot nomadic sailboat, built by hand in the 1970s, with no reinforced hull to protect it from ice damage. The crew is a band of wandering gypsy miscreants; with no permits, no insurance and no budget. During the iciest year on record in the Southern Ocean, the Infinity and her 16-strong crew left New Zealand to travel 13,000 kilometres across the Pacific to Patagonia – via Antarctica.
Stay With Us
制作人/Filmmaker:Dustin Adamson
类别/Category:海洋生物/Marine life
The search for extraterrestrial life has always fascinated the human race. We look to the darkness above and imagine the alien creatures that share our universe. Stay With Us suggests that maybe we have been looking in the wrong place. In another vast, deep, dark space, alien creatures have lived alongside humans for millions of years – hidden out of our sight while we have our eyes to the skies. As filmmaker Dustin Adamson probes a foreign world where man is no longer the dominant force, prepare yourself for a close encounter of a magnificent kind.
Four Mums in a Boat
制作人/Filmmaker:Bow River Films
类别/Category:划桨航海/Ocean rowing
当四个英国中年母亲宣布他们要划船横跨大西洋的时候,所有人都觉得她们疯了: 平均年龄47岁,各自有两个孩子,而且完全没有任何海上划桨经验!而三年后,她们和世界最顶尖的海洋冒险家一起启程,开始了塔利斯克威士忌大西洋挑战。这项被认为世界上最困难的海上耐力挑战从一开始就给妈妈们制造了各种各样的困难。这是一个关于四个普通人敢于梦想成为世界上打破划船横跨大洋的最年长的女性的故事。
When four British middle-aged working mums announced that they wanted to row the Atlantic Ocean, their families thought they had lost their minds: With an average age of 47 between them, they had two children each, and no ocean rowing experience.
The Legacy
国家/Country: 墨西哥/Mexico
制作人/Filmmaker:Erick Higuera
类别/Category:海洋生物,保育/Marine life, Conservation
The Legacy is a mouthful of oxygen when so much of today’s environmental reality tells us we are drowning. A century ago, most marine ecosystems were healthy and exploding with life, yet in just 50 years, overfishing and pollution have destroyed marine life populations in many parts of the planet. Several previously healthy populations of species, like the Giant Pacific Manta Ray off the Gulf of California, have disappeared altogether.
The Legacy reminds us not to despair. The film takes us to a remote archipelago in Mexico where words like “abundance”, “thriving”, and “perfect and healthy populations” are still being used to describe a marine environment. Declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 2016, the Archipelago of Revillagigedo is evidence that the ocean’s biodiversity, and our hope, is not yet lost.
The Accord
国家/Country: 冰岛/Iceland
制作人/Filmmaker: RC Cone
The reality of growing up a surfer in Iceland is different from anywhere else in the world. It’s a harsh place. There are no surf shops, guidebooks or webcams. Icelandic surfers are seriously on their own – both in and out of the water. But being so far removed from the hustle and bustle of the known surf world hardens Iceland’s surfers to confront the biggest issue they must all face: The North Atlantic wind.