阿姆斯特丹的广场入口 荷兰
铭文:Homo sapiens non urinat in ventum
诺福克的一所房子 英国
铭文:Nec mihi glis servus, nec hospes hirudo
铭文:He that gives away all before he's dead, Let 'em take this hatchet and knock him on the head.
雕塑刻画了一个男人,拿着斧头,穿着鞋子,戴着帽子,一块布料在其赤身裸体上打了个结。 一个故事提道,它指的是创立救济院的那位先生,建筑支出使他负债累累,最终,偿还债务耗尽了他的余生。
埃塞克斯盘山道入口 英国
铭文:The dumb animals' humble petitionRest, drivers rest, on this steep hill,Dumb beasts, pray use with all good will.Goad not, scourge not, with thonged whips;Let not one curse escape your lips.'God sees and hears.'
兰开夏郡诺斯利厅盾徽下 英国
铭文:James, Earl of Derby, Lord of the Man and the Isles, grandson of James, Earl of Derby, and of Charlotte, daughter of Claude, Duke de la Tremouille, whose husband James was beheaded at Bolton, 15th October, 1652, for strenuously adhering to Charles II, who refused a bill passed unanimously by both Houses of Parliament, for restoring to the family the estates lost by his loyalty to him, 1732.
白金汉郡的房子 英国
铭文:Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Women.
An Obedient Wife Governs Her Husband.
阿黛尔庄园别墅 爱尔兰利默里克郡
铭文:This goodly house was erected by Wyndam Henry, Earl of Dunraven, and Caroline his countess, without borrowing, selling, or leaving a debt, A.D. 1850
戈尔韦城市之门 爱尔兰
铭文:"From the ferocious O'Flaherty's, Good Lord deliver us!"
城门已经不在了,但传说城市里的居民于1500年曾建立了一座刻着以上铭文的城门。另一个说法(无历史依据)是,在城市的其他入口点都有类似的铭文,这只是其中之一。其他的铭文是:"From the devlish O'Dalys, Good Lord, defend us!"; "From the cut-throat O'Kellys, Good Lord save and keep us!"; "From the murderous O'Maddens, Good Lord, preserve us!"
鲍姆基兴的一座房子 奥地利
铭文:Dies Hause gehört mich nein,
Der nach mir kommt auch nicht sein;
Man trug auch den Dritten, hinaus:
Ach Gott! wem gehört dieses Haus?
This house belongs not to me,Neither to him who comes after me;They carried out the third also (to burial):Ah God, to whom belongs this house?
巴伐利亚各地 德国
铭文:Extra Bavariam nulla vita, et si vita, non est ita.
铭文大意:“巴伐利亚以外没有生命,即使有,也根本不是生命。” 你曾经只知道德克萨斯州傲气逼人,没有想到巴伐利亚也是如此吧。
北安普敦郡一座房子上的日晷 英国
铭文:We shall die all.
铭文似乎相当沉重。 “看看时钟,它会提醒你还剩多少时间。”但当你发现它是利用了“dail”和“die all”读音相似而设计的双关语,是不是没有那么阴沉了呢?(实习编译:刘亚倩 审稿:赵小侠)